Closing the Enforcement Gap: Groundtruthing of Environmental Violations in Bodai-Daldali Chhattisgarh

Closing the Enforcement Gap: Groundtruthing of Environmental Violations in Bodai-Daldali Chhattisgarh

  • 25 Mar, 2019

BHARAT ALUMINIUM COMPANY LIMITED (BALCO), a Public Sector Undertaking, received environmental clearance in 2003 for mining Bauxite in Kabirdham District of Chhattisgarh. Instances of non-compliance of environmental safeguards were being reported in studies and media since the mines became operational in 2003. There have also been complaints by affected villagers about the impacts of mining and other ancillary operations. In this context, Janabhivyakti along with Centre for Policy Research – Namati Environmental Justice Program and Oxfam India, initiated a ground-truthing process in 2018 to understand the impacts of this project on people and environment which are linked to non-compliance of Environmental Laws.

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