Mapping Inequality in Bihar

Mapping Inequality in Bihar

  • 19 Oct, 2020

This study by Oxfam India analyses the regional disparity and inequality in Bihar with respect to the other states in India and inter-district variations within the state. It is based mainly on secondary data from published official reports, individual studies, etc. The study is, thus, constrained by a limited database due to a time lag in the availability of data in the public domain. For instance, the per capita domestic product for districts of Bihar is available only up to 2011-12. Similarly, literacy and life expectancy data are available for 2011. However, National Family Health Survey (NFHS)-4 provides sampled health indicators and literacy rates up till 2015-16. Therefore, inadequacy of updated data has had its bearing on this analysis. Despite these limitations, this study attempts to provide insights into the state of Bihar. A brief account of the findings is mentioned here for readers.

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